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    There was a time when our children stood at attention, and with pride, put their hand on their heart, and in one UNITED voice, recited the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. There was a time when STRENGTH and HONOR meant something. There was a time when standing for our FLAG meant something. There was a time when our history (heritage) was taught with PRIDE and RESPECT. There was a time when respect was given to those who serve(d), bled, and died to protect and defend our FREEDOM. There was a time when we were GRATEFUL. There was a time when our ACCOMPLISHMENTS meant something. There was a time when these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, was UNITED. There was a time when these UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, ONE NATION UNDER GOD, was UNITED UNDER THE AMERICAN FLAG. A FLAG THAT WAS CARRIED IN BATTLE BY BRAVE PATRIOTS AS A SYMBOL OF FREEDOM & JUSTICE FOR ALL NO MATTER RACE, RELIGION, OR BACKGROUND. A BEACON OF HOPE WHEN FLOWN. A MARK OF RESPECT TO THEIR MEMORY TO THOSE WHO WILLFULLY SACRIFICED THEIR LIVES TO DEFEND. There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, decided our future. There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, had a voice. There was a time when, WE, THE PEOPLE, were UNITED and STRONG. There was a time when the media was free from political bias [and corruption]. There was a time when our elected leaders stood their ground, dug in, and defended those they represented. How many Men and Women in uniform are currently serving on the frontlines abroad only to look back in horror to see the homeland on fire? What does the word ‘Patriot’ mean to you? LAND OF THE FREE. HOME OF THE BRAVE. Now is not the time to be complacent. Will you answer the call? “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.” – Reagan Q More
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    Worth repeating. MSDNC pushes coordinated FAKE, FALSE, MISLEADING DISINFORMATION based on a biased [D] political viewpoint [controlled mouthpiece(s)]. Blue checkmarks then defend and attack [target] opposing viewpoints using slander, aggression, suppression, group-think, etc. [suppression tactics]. Non-blue checkmarks then defend and promote attacker(s) [blues] viewpoint(s) [leftwing 'cult'] to instill echo_chamber wall-to-wall amplified narrative for each designated subject. Select [public discovery] topics are deemed and ranked in priority order [ranking determines use of assets [big-to-small]]. [How to herd the sheep (you) 101] If you do not follow [remain in-line] with their political viewpoints you are deliberately made to feel in the minority [isolated] and inferior [using aggression-slander]. [If majority thinks x then x must be true _projected false reality _minority projected as majority using news _ social media platforms to spotlight designated viewpoints [the 'narrative']]. A public (person) that thinks for themselves [independent free-thought] is what they FEAR the most [loss of control]. Q More
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    Start here: Next click 'donate'. Taken here: Who is ActBlue? Powering Democratic candidates, committees, parties, organizations, and c4s around the country. [D] party funding? ALL DONATIONS TO BLM [] ARE ROUTED THROUGH A DEMOCRAT-ONLY FUNDING ORG. 100% OF BLM DONORS ARE DEMOCRAT? 100% OF BLM DONORS AGREE TO POWER DEMOCRAT CANDIDATES, COMMITTEES, PARTIES, AND ORGANIZATIONS WITH THEIR DONATIONS? What % of BLM donations auto-route to [D] party affiliated networks? Expenditures 2020 Cycle. [includes all contributions outside of 'BLM'] What % [of total] of BLM donations between June 1 - July 1 went to Biden for president? What % [of total] of BLM donations between June 1 - July 1 went to [D] party affiliated networks? Independent audits are important. Q More
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    What % [of total] of BLM donations between June 1 - July 1 went to the Biden campaign for president? What % [of total] of Biden's campaign for president donations [money raised] came from BLM donations [past month]? Worth tracking. Why is BLM pushed every 4-years? Who pays for Sharpton to fly private? Does BLM 'donated' money end up in Sharpton's [+other 'propped up' narrative drivers] foundation [National Action Network (NAN)] and/or other private account(s)? What outside [F] groups donate large sums of money to BLM 'knowing' it is then routed to Biden campaign for president and other 'friendly' [D] service providers? How do you avoid campaign finance laws? How do you 'wash' [clean] money? Is this about improving the quality of life for Black Americans OR SOMETHING ELSE? Q More
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    How do you demonstrate 'reasonable cause' to regulate and/or break up BIG TECH? What is the common theme/tactic of the LEFT? Define 'Fascism'. Forcible suppression of opposition? Define 'Censorship'. The institution, system, or practice of censoring? Define 'Narrative'. A way of presenting or understanding a situation or series of events that reflects and promotes a particular point of view or set of values? Define 'Projection'. The attribution of one's own ideas, feelings, or attitudes to other people or to objects; especially : the externalization of blame, guilt, or responsibility as a defense against anxiety? The forming of a plan : scheming? Define 'Psychological Projection'. A theory in psychology in which the human ego defends itself against unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others? Define 'Narcissist'. A person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves: narcissists who think the world revolves around them | narcissists preening themselves in front of the mirror? Define 'Dogma'. A point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds? Define 'Aggression'. Forceful and sometimes overly assertive pursuit of one's aims and interests? Define 'Suppression'. The action of suppressing something such as an activity or publication? [Bonus Round] 'Narcissists' are renowned for using 'psychological projection' to blame other people, even when it is entirely apparent that they are the ones in the wrong. ——————————– Define 'Realism'. The quality or fact of representing a person, thing, or situation accurately or in a way that is true to life? [Realism] Actions of [ANTIFA]: -Aggression (Projection) -Suppression (Fascism) -Censorship (Narrative-Dogma) Actions of [FAKE NEWS]: -Aggression (Projection) -Suppression (Fascism) -Censorship (Narrative-Dogma) Actions of [TWITTER, FB, GOOG, YT, REDDIT, etc..]: -Aggression (Projection) -Suppression (Fascism) -Censorship (Narrative-Dogma) MSDNC pushes coordinated FAKE, FALSE, MISLEADING DISINFORMATION based on a biased [D] political viewpoint [controlled mouthpiece(s)]. Blue checkmarks then defend and attack [target] opposing viewpoints using slander, aggression, suppression, group-think, etc. [suppression tactics]. Non-blue checkmarks then defend and promote attacker(s) [blues] viewpoint(s) [leftwing 'cult'] to instill echo_chamber wall-to-wall amplified narrative for each designated subject. Select [public discovery] topics are deemed and ranked in priority order [ranking determines use of assets [big-to-small]]. [How to herd the sheep (you) 101] If you do not follow [remain in-line] with their political viewpoints you are deliberately made to feel in the minority [isolated] and inferior [using aggression-slander]. [If majority thinks x then x must be true _projected false reality _minority projected as majority using news _ social media platforms to spotlight designated viewpoints [the 'narrative']]. A public (person) that thinks for themselves [independent free-thought] is what they are afraid of most [loss of control]. Q More
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    [1] [2] Why would [D]s block a bill that stops infanticide [allow abortions up to point of birth] and does not provide new restrictions on abortion itself? How is taxpayer funded [PP] allowed to donate [large sums] of taxpayer funds to select members of [D] party? Is this about a woman's right to choose OR SOMETHING ELSE? Q More
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    Trending No civility unless [D]s win congressional control? Translation: MSDNC will incite and push division unless [D] control established. Think pre_midterms. Think pre_2020_P_election [now] Reconcile. 1:1 The only thing that matters to them is regaining power. [prevent public learning of truth] [prevent accountability] [self-preservation] These people are sick! Q More
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    Cuomo warns protests could spark coronavirus comeback
    >>9412961 Attempting to establish new narrative 'riots' created[ing] second COVID-19 wave? Loss of control [first wave]? Regain control necessary re: vote-by-mail re: [D] state bailout(s) re: economy-unemployment kill etc? All assets deployed. Win by any means necessary. 2020 Presidential Election. Q More
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    What would have happened if POTUS challenged the COVID-19 narrative from the beginning? Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. YOU MUST SHOW THEM. Who benefits the most? WHY ARE [D]'S SOLELY FOCUSED ON CLOSURE [RETAINING] AND VOTE-BY-MAIL? They do not care about your well-being. You are simply in the way. This is about regaining POWER. Self-preservation. Every asset deployed. Win by any means necessary. WIN OR DIE. Q More
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