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0 Shares261 Views0 Comments
in Q1591490632
Q you really need to walk that last one back….. The same reason a thumbnail of a gray clapboard shows up on a YouTube video when it's been deleted… The thumbnail is CURRENT (obama.org main image)……… but the content is OLD. Q you really need to retract that………………………………………………….
>>9511175 def visit_twitter_and_log_in visit 'https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator' find('input.js-username-field').set(ENV['TWITTER_USERNAME']) find('input.js-password-field').set(ENV['TWITTER_PASSWORD']) click_on('Log in') end def enter_url_and_click_preview(url) find('input.FormControl').set(url) click_on('Preview card') result = has_content?('Page fetched successfully') visit 'https://cards-dev.twitter.com/validator' end end Q More -
0 Shares64 Views0 Comments
in Q1588971464
We can help guide once you hit a target. It must be open-source. Happy hunting! Q More -
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in Q1588968542
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in Q1588967794
https://twitter.com/IngrahamAngle/status/1258765736207671297 Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION? Q More -
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https://twitter.com/kron4news/status/1258842982272217088 COVID-19 hard push [lock down extend] in swing states [CA-NY lead]? [D] controlled? Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION? Legal challenge coming? Q More -
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in Q1588966091
https://thefederalist.com/2020/05/08/obama-biden-oval-office-meeting-on-january-5-was-key-to-entire-anti-trump-operation/ SHADOW PRESIDENCY SET UP. Q More -
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in Q1588965056
SHADOW PRESIDENCY. [Hussein] pre-post [F] travel [shadow] POTUS? Q More -
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in Q1588963299
Crowdstrike testimony re: DNC & Russia [hack]? >no direct evidence? >manipulation of source? >comp-to-comp [transfer] speed [hack]? >internal DL [terminal 1] speed? >hand-to-hand transfer? >WL publish v SR 187? >MS13 [2] 187 geo-location? >MS13 [2] 187 date? >MS13 [2] case summary notes? Interning for the [DNC] can be deadly. [ALL WITNESS REPORTS NON_EVIDENCE RUSSIA_POTUS CONNECT] [DOSSIER PRIMARY VEHICLE FISA_SC_IMPEACH] [DOSSIER DISCREDIT PRIOR-TO [KNOWN]] [NO NAME ASSIST [SENATOR STAMP_credible] _ FBI FLOOR 7 _ DNI _ POTUS PDB] [FBI Floor 7][DNI][CIA][DNC][WH] primary [bulk] [FBI Floor 7] [DNC][HRC4Pres][DNI][CIA][WH] _FISA 4 [upstream collection primary target POTUS cross 1-9] _FISA 1 [upstream collection primary target C cross 1-3] [FBI Floor 7] [DOJ_LL][BC] coord tarmac [unofficial]_HRC(e)discuss][exchange SC][security detail planning-coord DOJ_LL + BC] [DOJ_LL] instruct [Comey] PR1 [drop all charges [MSM]] [DOJ_LL] instruct language re report HRC [C] "careless" [FBI Floor 7] deep-cover operatives crosswalk CIA>FBI [PS] [FBI Floor 7] assist [CIA] domestic spy_avoid [CIA] non_USA charter [FBI Floor 7] assist [CIA] pull_down umbrella spy FVEY [unofficial] FVEY UK-AUS reverify AUTH_WH [unusual req special instruction] [FBI Floor 7] [UK assist] Steele > B_Ohr > N_Ohr > FusionGPS [shell 2] [FBI Floor 7] [CIA] spy_insert 1-3 [AUS assist] POTUS_campaign [FBI Floor 7] James Baker - Perkins Coie [shell 2] [FBI Floor 7] insurance 1-4 [FISA targets 1-4] [FBI Floor 7] WH_POTUS "non_target" [FBI Floor 7] [DOJ_RR] wear_wire assist 'entrap to force' [Fail move 2] [FBI Floor 7] [DOJ] push Sessions recuse [FBI Floor 7] > 'in_the_park' discuss [MUELLER] POTUS FBI[2] [regain control] [FBI Floor 7] [DOJ_RR] appoint_[MUELLER]_SC [DOJ_RR][#2][CLAS 1-99] scope_memo target FISA 1-4 [initiate immediate gag order][force comply v POTUS] [DOJ_RR] [AF1_POTUS] [Background][SOROS-HUSSEIN-HRC][MSM+SOCIALM][HOLLYWOOD] propaganda push_coord establish 1-7 movement(s) ANTIFA silence-stop endorse_POTUS(pro). Q More -
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in Q1588957887
https://twitter.com/johncardillo/status/1258525297042833408 All assets deployed. Win by any means necessary. [D] party death spiral. Q More -
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in Q1588909448
The news is dead. You are what matters now. Handle with care. Q More -
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in Q1586381860
[out of order_insert important] https://twitter.com/MonangeSauvi/status/1247988574642978816 Did you think 'spirit cooking' was just pretend? http://cannibalclub.org/index.html Q More -
0 Shares90 Views0 Comments
in Q1586377739
https://twitter.com/M2Madness/status/1247977509091774467 Why was it fast-tracked in H? Why did [Pelosi] hold until Jan 15th? [what was the 'release' marker?] Public: time to neg Senate witness/process? What if 'impeachment' was meant to fail? What if 'impeachment' was meant to distract from overseas developments? What did ALL US MEDIA focus on during 'impeachment' process? How do you TERM POTUS rally(s)? How do you TERM POTUS econ gains? How do you TERM POTUS unemployment gains? How do you TERM POTUS-CHINA trade neg? How do you TERM [BIDEN] debates? How do you TERM [BIDEN] public appearances? How do you TERM [BIDEN] live interviews? How do you TERM [H-BIDEN] Ukraine/China MSM coverage? HOW DO YOU CHANGE THE NARRATIVE? WHO BENEFITS THE MOST? How do you ALTER POTUS-[BIDEN] P_debate structure? How do you HOLD HOSTAGE PUBLIC AID in exchange for National 'ballot harvesting' law adopt? How do you appease radical left 'knowing' SANDERS drop out coming? HOLD HOSTAGE PUBLIC AID in exchange for GREEN NEW DEAL? THE TRUTH WILL SHOCK THE WORLD. Regain power by any means necessary. Q More