Kansas Men Charged With Distributing Child Porn
KANSAS CITY, KAN. – Two Kansas men were indicted Wednesday in separate cases on charges of distributing child pornography, U.S. Attorney Stephen McAllister said. Brian Fuchs, 48, Lawrence, Kan., is charged with one count of distributing child pornography and one count of possessing child pornography.
Name: Duane Allen
Country: US
State: KS
Arresting Agencies: 1
Arrested: 1
Rescued: Unknown
Date of Announcement: July 12, 2018
Arrest End Date: July 12, 2018
Comments: Project Safe Childhood-CP distribution & related charges
Source 1: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ks/pr/kansas-men-charged-distributing-child-porn
Docket: D-KS 2:18-cr-20043
Court Listener: https://www.courtlistener.com/docket/7417958/united-states-v-allen/
Fed Indictments: 1