
QAnon #2088


2018-09-04T16:54:49Z  Q  177

Ex 1 – ‘Being Afraid’

Does HRC care about you?

If she cared about protecting you…

Would she sell out America’s secrets and Uranium to China/Russia [Ex 1]?

They always thought if charges were brought [v. them] they would ultimately be safe [SC control].

[AS] out

[HRC] appointment(s) >>

End of all ends.


Did Anthony Kennedy have a choice?

Was this the original plan according to HRC election win?

What evidence was he shown?

RBG replacement [lifetime appointment – age]?

What’s at STAKE?

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “Happy Labor Day. There’s no better time to talk about why workers’ rights would suffer if Brett Kavanaugh, whose hearings for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court start tomorrow, is confirmed. / Twitter”

Happy Labor Day. There’s no better time to talk about why workers’ rights would suffer if Brett Kavanaugh, whose hearings for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court start tomorrow, is confirmed.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “The Roberts Court has dealt some big blows to workers and unions in the last few years. With Kavanaugh on the Court, a 5-4 hard-right majority would be even more aggressive in siding with corporations over people. / Twitter”

The Roberts Court has dealt some big blows to workers and unions in the last few years. With Kavanaugh on the Court, a 5-4 hard-right majority would be even more aggressive in siding with corporations over people.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “The Court’s ruling in Janus v. AFSCME earlier this summer overturned a 40-year-old precedent to hold that public-sector workers with union contracts don’t have to pay fees for collective bargaining expenses if they’re not members. / Twitter”

The Court’s ruling in Janus v. AFSCME earlier this summer overturned a 40-year-old precedent to hold that public-sector workers with union contracts don’t have to pay fees for collective bargaining expenses if they’re not members.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “That ruling won’t just hurt seven million public-sector union workers with contracts. It’ll hurt all workers, because union deals on wages and working conditions affect what businesses without unions do, too. / Twitter”

That ruling won’t just hurt seven million public-sector union workers with contracts. It’ll hurt all workers, because union deals on wages and working conditions affect what businesses without unions do, too.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “The Court has also recently granted corporations the right to deny workers reproductive health care and made it harder for workers to sue businesses by allowing companies to force employees to sign mandatory arbitration clauses with their contracts. / Twitter”

The Court has also recently granted corporations the right to deny workers reproductive health care and made it harder for workers to sue businesses by allowing companies to force employees to sign mandatory arbitration clauses with their contracts.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “In other words, the Court has already been widening the disparity in power between corporations and workers. Kavanaugh’s record from his time as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia shows he’d help further that trend for a generation. / Twitter”

In other words, the Court has already been widening the disparity in power between corporations and workers. Kavanaugh’s record from his time as a judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia shows he’d help further that trend for a generation.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “In 2007, Kavanaugh wrote an opinion that severely limited union rights and allowed major damage to federal workers’ ability to bargain collectively. / Twitter”

In 2007, Kavanaugh wrote an opinion that severely limited union rights and allowed major damage to federal workers’ ability to bargain collectively.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “In 2014, he dissented in a case where the Occupational Safety and Health Administration held SeaWorld accountable for the death of a trainer. / Twitter”

In 2014, he dissented in a case where the Occupational Safety and Health Administration held SeaWorld accountable for the death of a trainer.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “In 2016, Kavanaugh held that corporations have the right to punish workers for displaying pro-union signs in their cars. / Twitter”

In 2016, Kavanaugh held that corporations have the right to punish workers for displaying pro-union signs in their cars.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “Unions and labor movements are why we have workplace safety precautions, collective bargaining, weekends, minimum wages, and, yes, Labor Day. We can’t afford more damage to workers’ rights. Make sure your senators hear from you: Let’s #StopKavanaugh. / Twitter”

Unions and labor movements are why we have workplace safety precautions, collective bargaining, weekends, minimum wages, and, yes, Labor Day. We can’t afford more damage to workers’ rights. Make sure your senators hear from you: Let’s #StopKavanaugh.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “Do you have a pre-existing condition? Do you care about someone who has one? Could you or someone you love ever get one? Then you should call your senators today to #StopKavanaugh from getting a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court. Here’s why: / Twitter”

Do you have a pre-existing condition? Do you care about someone who has one? Could you or someone you love ever get one? Then you should call your senators today to #StopKavanaugh from getting a lifetime seat on the Supreme Court. Here’s why:

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “Challenges to the Affordable Care Act’s protections for patients, including the notion that insurance companies can’t refuse to insure you if you have a pre-existing condition, are already working their way through the lower courts. / Twitter”

Challenges to the Affordable Care Act’s protections for patients, including the notion that insurance companies can’t refuse to insure you if you have a pre-existing condition, are already working their way through the lower courts.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “The next Supreme Court justice will have a chance to rule on the fate of the Affordable Care Act, which helps millions of people get affordable health care. Brett Kavanaugh’s record shows he’d be a threat to the law. / Twitter”

The next Supreme Court justice will have a chance to rule on the fate of the Affordable Care Act, which helps millions of people get affordable health care. Brett Kavanaugh’s record shows he’d be a threat to the law.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “In 2011, Kavanaugh dissented when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District Court upheld the consitutionality of the ACA. In 2017, he criticized Chief Justice John Roberts for ruling to uphold the law five years earlier. / Twitter”

In 2011, Kavanaugh dissented when the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District Court upheld the consitutionality of the ACA. In 2017, he criticized Chief Justice John Roberts for ruling to uphold the law five years earlier.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “Kavanaugh has also claimed that the president can simply decide not to implement the Affordable Care Act, leaving millions of Americans in the lurch. / Twitter”

Kavanaugh has also claimed that the president can simply decide not to implement the Affordable Care Act, leaving millions of Americans in the lurch.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “Supreme Court seats are for life. Your senators’ votes on Kavanaugh could affect whether you, your loved ones, and millions of other Americans can get affordable health care for decades. / Twitter”

Supreme Court seats are for life. Your senators’ votes on Kavanaugh could affect whether you, your loved ones, and millions of other Americans can get affordable health care for decades.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “This is as serious as it gets. It’s up to us to save health care for millions of our fellow Americans-again. As Kavanaugh’s hearings begin, make sure your senators hear from you: (202) 224-3121 / Twitter”

This is as serious as it gets. It’s up to us to save health care for millions of our fellow Americans-again. As Kavanaugh’s hearings begin, make sure your senators hear from you: (202) 224-3121

Pain comes in many different forms.

Full control.

Enjoy the show.


2018-09-05T15:50:19Z  Q  !!mG7VJxZNCI  187


Ex 2 – “Being Afraid”

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “If Brett Kavanaugh becomes a Supreme Court justice, will he help gut or overturn Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in America? Yes, of course he will. / Twitter”

If Brett Kavanaugh becomes a Supreme Court justice, will he help gut or overturn Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion in America? Yes, of course he will.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “A few weeks before Kavanaugh’s name appeared on President Trump’s short list for a new justice, Kavanaugh praised the dissent in the Roe v. Wade case and called former Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist his “hero,” noting that “he clearly wanted to overrule Roe.” / Twitter”

A few weeks before Kavanaugh’s name appeared on President Trump’s short list for a new justice, Kavanaugh praised the dissent in the Roe v. Wade case and called former Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist his “hero,” noting that “he clearly wanted to overrule Roe.”

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “As a federal judge, Kavanaugh tried to prevent a young undocumented woman in government custody from exercising her right to an abortion. / Twitter”

As a federal judge, Kavanaugh tried to prevent a young undocumented woman in government custody from exercising her right to an abortion.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “Kavanaugh ruled to let CEOs decide to deny their employees insurance coverage for no co-pay birth control. / Twitter”

Kavanaugh ruled to let CEOs decide to deny their employees insurance coverage for no co-pay birth control.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “Anti-abortion groups have endorsed Kavanaugh, considering him a reliable vote to overturn Roe. His confirmation would be a victory for activists who want to end a woman’s right to make her own health decisions. / Twitter”

Anti-abortion groups have endorsed Kavanaugh, considering him a reliable vote to overturn Roe. His confirmation would be a victory for activists who want to end a woman’s right to make her own health decisions.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “It’s remarkable that we have to keep repeating this, even in 2018: Women’s rights are human rights, and human rights are women’s rights. / Twitter”

It’s remarkable that we have to keep repeating this, even in 2018: Women’s rights are human rights, and human rights are women’s rights.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “One of the most fundamental human rights is the right to make the most personal decisions about one’s own body. To deny women that is to rob them of the ability to decide their own futures. / Twitter”

One of the most fundamental human rights is the right to make the most personal decisions about one’s own body. To deny women that is to rob them of the ability to decide their own futures.

Hillary Clinton on Twitter: “If you agree, please pick up the phone right now and call your senators. Ask them to #StopKavanaugh: (202) 224-3121 / Twitter”

If you agree, please pick up the phone right now and call your senators. Ask them to #StopKavanaugh: (202) 224-3121




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